Bartosz Sławoj

Bartosz Sławoj

Online debate: Security in South-East Asia Emerging Challenges amid Geostrategic Competition

On March 28th an online debate titled Security in South-East Asia Emerging Challenges amid Geostrategic Competition took place. The debate was organized by Asia and Pacific Research Centre (IPS, PAS) and Asia Study Centre (War Studies University).

The region of South-East Asia is one of the strategic areas of global economy and geopolitics, which importance exceeds the Malacca Strait. Overshadowed by the current military conflict in Eastern Europe, the region still faces conflicts and territorial disputes. Their security is also threatened by the  China-US rivalry. Despite that, they face internal and transborder threats of terrorism, guerrilla crime, separatism, or cybercrime. During the debate, the experts will draw prospects of ongoing issues.

Joel Ng (RSIS Nanyang Technological University)
Jerzy Bayer (Jagiellonian University)
Dominika Janus (independent researcher)
Łukasz Stach (Jagiellonian University)

Katarzyna Golik (Polish Academy of Sciences)

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Seminar: Presidential summits and the role of the host states: lessons from the Three Seas Initiative

The seminar titled “Presidential summits and the role of the host states: lessons from the Three Seas Initiative” will take place on March 22nd, 2023. If you are interested in online participation please visit the registration form at: .

The aim of the seminar, organized by the Three Seas Initiative Research Center, affiliated with the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Science, is to review the results of the Three Seas Initiative Summits, the importance of the declarations adopted there, the role of the host states, as well as the challenges facing this model of cooperation. The seminar discussion will also focus on the upcoming summit, which will be held in Bucharest. It is worth noting that Romania is the first state to host the Three Seas Initiative presidential summit for the second time.

The topics discussed will also include Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, political, economic and financial support given to Ukraine by the states of the Three Seas Initiative, as well as the consequences of the war for the energy and economic security of the region. The seminar will be organized in the roundtable discussion formula. It will be attended by researchers and scholars from Central European states. The keynote speech at the seminar will be delivered by His Excellency Mr. Theodor Cosmin Onisii, Ambassador of Romania to Poland.



11:00 – 11:10 Opening remarks by Prof. Agnieszka Orzelska-Stączek, Project Leader of the Three Seas Initiative Research Center, the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences

11:10 – 11:25 Keynote speech by Ambassador of Romania, HE Mr Theodor Cosmin Onisii

11:25 – 12:30 Discussion: Presidential summits and the role of the host states: lessons from the Three Seas Initiative

Among the discussion participants:

  • Prof. Magdalena Bainczyk, Chief Analyst, Institute for Western Affairs in Poznań
  • Prof. Piotr Bajda, Associate Professor at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (UKSW)
  • Dr. Hristo Berov, Associate Professor at Sofia University
  • Dr. Vít Dostál, Executive Director, Association for International Affairs (AMO)
  • Prof. Octavian-Dragomir Jora, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Founder of The Market for Ideas magazine
  • Dr. Paul Latawski, Senior Lecturer in War Studies, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst
  • Prof. Karina Marczuk, Associate Professor at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, Diplomacy and International Institutions Chair
  • Prof. Beata Piskorska, Vice-rector for students, doctoral students and development at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL)
  • Prof. Michal Vašečka, Program Director, Bratislava Policy Institute
  • Prof. Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski, Associate Professor at Łódź University
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Webinar: Security in South-East Asia: Emerging Challenges amid Geostrategic Competition

The online seminar titled: Security in South-East Asia: Emerging Challenges amid Geostrategic Competition will take place on March 28th, 10.00 AM CET. It is organized by Asia and Pacific Research Centre (IPS PAS) and Asia Study Centre (War Studies University).

The region of South-East Asia is one of the strategic areas of global economy and geopolitics, which importance exceeds the Malacca Strait. Overshadowed by the current military conflict in Eastern Europe, the region still faces conflicts and territorial disputes. Their security is also threatened by the  China-US rivalry. Despite that, they face internal and transborder threats of terrorism, guerrilla crime, separatism, or cybercrime. During the debate, the experts will draw prospects of ongoing issues.



Joel Ng (RSIS Nanyang Technological University)

Jerzy Bayer (Jagiellonian University)

Dominika Janus (independent researcher)

Łukasz Stach (Jagiellonian University)



Katarzyna Golik (Polish Academy of Sciences)



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Webinar: Gendering European Integration – theoretical perspectives and implications

The online seminar titled Gendering European Integration – theoretical perspectives and implications will take place on March 20th, 2:00 PM CET.

The aim of this seminar is to explore the historical and intellectual background against which gender approaches to European integration have developed over the last two decades We will look at contributions of several key theorists who analysed how women and gender relations shaped the European Union and its policies We will then turn to some key criticisms of gender approaches and reflect on potential future developments Empirically, it will be argued that gender perspective provides useful tools to explore „dark corners” of the functioning of EU institutions, notably the Council, usually neglected by mainstream scholarship.

For more informations, including on how to register, please see the file attached [pdf, 202 KB]

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Call for papers for journal „Sprawy Międzynarodowe” (International Affairs), nr 3/2023

A new issue of quarterly „Sprawy Międzynarodowe” (International Affairs) is open for papers submission till July 15, 2023. The topic of the issue is:  “Russian war with Ukraine. Security – migrations – law“.

Russian invasion of Ukraine was the turning point in the process of shaping of the (in)security in Europe and globally. One of the main strategic goals of the Russian Federation was a swift capitulation of Ukraine. However both Ukrainian Army and society showed resilience, partially thanks to the support from the West, including Poland. What influence had the Russian invasion on the regional and global security? What are the implications regarding security of East and Central European states? How war affected the migration processes from and to Ukraine? What was the response of international law to the war?

We invite you to send papers (in Polish, English or Ukrainian) regarding aforementioned topics. We also encourage sending us the reviews of books published in the last two years, which are thematically relevant.


For more informations on how to send your paper please visit the link below:

or contact the editors:

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Conference: Russian war with Ukraine – determinants and implications for security and integration of Central East European states

On January 30th, 2023 the conference took place, titled: Russian war with Ukraine – determinants and implications for security and integration of Central East European states. Keynote speaker was prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Szczerski, Poland’s Ambassador to the Unitet Nations. The conference was held online. For more details regarding program please see the file attached [pdf file, 471 KB, PL].

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Lab. Pipes meeting: 64 words of objection. Discussion of the book: „A imię jego 34. Postępowania karne wobec sygnatariuszy Listu 34 i popierających go pisarzy”

On January 25th, 2023 the Richard Pipes Laboratory at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences held an online meeting devoted to discussion of the recently published book by Maciej Łuczak, Ph.D. titled: A imię jego 34. Postępowania karne wobec sygnatariuszy Listu 34 i popierających go pisarzy. [invitation, pdf 79 KB, PL]

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