Richard Pipes Laboratory

Webinar – Under Stalin’s Shadow: A Global History of Greek Communism

On March 27th (12:00-14:00 CET), the online seminar will take place, titled Under Stalin’s Shadow: A Global History of Greek Communism. The event is organised by the Richard Pipes Laboratory at the Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. Registration for the event via the ZOOM form is available at the link below.

Guest speaker – Prof. Nikos Marantzidis, University of Macedonia

Chair – dr Magdalena Semczyszyn, Institute of Political Studies, PAS

Registration to the event.

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Conference – Imperial and postimperial emigrations. The case of Russia

On October 5th and 6th the conference will be held, titled Imperial and postimperial emigrations. The case of Russia, organized by the Richart Pipes Labratory of the Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. For more details regarding the list of panelists, schedule and how to register for an on-line access via ZOOM app please fillow the link [pdf file, 287 kb].

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Webinar: Facts, myths, contemporary historical discourses and disputes over interpretation and preperation of crimes and the National Armed Forces.

On June 12th 2023 at 12:00 AM the online seminar will take place, titled: Facts, myths, contemporary historical discourses and disputes over interpretation and preperation of crimes and the National Armed Forces. Discussion on the book “Wierzchowiny 1945” by Mariusz Zajączkowski, PhD. The event will be held in Polish.

List of participants:

  • Mariusz Zajączkowski, Ph.D. – book’s author
  • Professor Igor Hałagida
  • Professor Jan Pisuliński
  • Professor Mariusz Mazur
  • Chair:

  • Bartłomiej Krzysztan, Ph.D.
  • Registration to the event via the ZOOM form.

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    Lab. Pipes meeting: 64 words of objection. Discussion of the book: „A imię jego 34. Postępowania karne wobec sygnatariuszy Listu 34 i popierających go pisarzy”

    On January 25th, 2023 the Richard Pipes Laboratory at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences held an online meeting devoted to discussion of the recently published book by Maciej Łuczak, Ph.D. titled: A imię jego 34. Postępowania karne wobec sygnatariuszy Listu 34 i popierających go pisarzy. [invitation, pdf 79 KB, PL]

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