Tom Junes, Ph.D.

Tom Junes is a historian and assistant professor at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. After studying in Belgium and South Africa, he obtained his PhD in Leuven and as a postdoctoral researcher he has held fellowships in Warsaw, Vienna, Budapest, Helsinki, Potsdam, Jena, Sofia and Florence. His research interests include Eastern European and Cold War history, with a particular focus on youth and student movements, communist and socialist parties, and post-1989 protest movements. He is the author of “Student Politics in Communist Poland: Generations of Consent and Dissent” and has published widely on student protests in Eastern Europe.

Selected publications:


Student Politics in Communist Poland: Generations of Consent and Dissent. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2015.

Pokolenia PRL: Ruch studencki w Polsce 1944-1989 [The generations of the Polish People’s Republic: The student movement in Poland, 1944-1989]. Warsaw: IPN, 2022.


(with Julia Rone and Nemanja Džuverović) issue 35, 01/2021 of East European Societies and Cultures: “Contentious Politics and International Statebuilding in Southeast Europe”

(with Milla Mineva and Dimitar Vatsov) issue 49/2018 of Critique & Humanism: “Media, Conspiracies, and Propaganda in the Post-Cold War World”

(with Dimitar Vatsov) issue 47/2017 of Критика и Хуманизъм: “Медии и пропаганда след Студената война” [Media and propaganda after the Cold War]

(with Elitza Stanoeva) issue 46/2016 of Critique & Humanism: “Youth, Civic Action and Protest”

(with Milena Iakimova) issue 45/2016 of Критика и Хуманизъм: “Протестите като гражданска практика” [Protest as civic practice]

(with Elitza Stanoeva) issue 43/2014 of Критика и Хуманизъм: “Младежки култури на социализма и постсоциализма: лайфстайл, конформизъм и протест” [Youth cultures of socialism and post-socialism: lifestyles, conformism and rebellion]

Peer-reviewed articles:

“Bricks and Bombs versus Bullets and Batons: Protest and Regime Violence as Generational Experience in Communist Poland,” Contemporary European History, 2022 (FirstView).

(with Julia Rone) “Voice after Exit? Bulgarian Civic Activists between Protest and Emigration”, East European Politics and Societies 35, 01/2021: 226-246

(with Julia Rone and Nemanja Džuverović) “Introduction: Contentious Politics and International Statebuilding in Southeast Europe,” East European Politics and Societies 35, 01/2021: 182-89

“Propaganda in Bulgaria: Made in Russia or Home-grown?,” Critique & Humanism 49/2018: 51-60

– trans. in Bulgarian and republished in Критика и Хуманизъм 47/2017: 41-50

“Euromaidan and the Revolution of Dignity: A Case Study of Student Protest as a Catalyst for Political Upheaval,” Critique & Humanism 46/2016: 73-96

– trans. in Bulgarian and republished in Критика и Хуманизъм 45/2016: 29-54

– in Russian and republished in Форум новейшей восточноевропейской истории и культуры 13/2016: 7-30

“Между политичното и аполитичното: младежката контракултура в комунистическа Полша” [Between political and apolitical: youth counterculture in communist Poland], Критика и Хуманизъм  43/2014: 93-111

– republished in English in Eurozine (18 Jun 2015)

“Полското поколение на ’89: между бунта, присмеха и края на историята” [Poland’s generation of ’89: between rebellion, ridicule, and the end of history], Социологически проблеми/Sociological Problems 1-2/2014: 326-48

“Oppositional Student Politics in Poland and South Africa: Youth Rebellion as a Factor in the Demise of Communism and Apartheid,” Studia Historyczne 3-4/2012: 389-406

(with Adrian Guelke) “‘Copycat Tactics’ in Processes of Regime Change: The Demise of Communism in Poland and Apartheid in South Africa,” Critique & Humanism 40/2012: 171-92

– trans. in Bulgarian and republished in Социологически проблеми/Sociological problems 20/2012: 212-37

“A Century of Traditions: The Polish Student Movement, 1815-1918,” Central and Eastern European Review 2/2008: 77-102

“Confronting the ‘New Class’ in Communist Poland: Leftist Critique, Student Activism and the Origins of the 1968 Student Protest Movement,” Critique. Journal of Socialist Theory 36:2/2008: 257-72

Book chapters:

(with Ivo Iliev) “From Communism to Neoliberalism: Conflated Memories of Bulgaria’s Corrupted Transition” in Joanna Wawrzyniak and Veronika Pehe (eds.), Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989. (London: Routledge, 2023)

“Protest Repertoires During Ukraine’s Euromaidan Revolution: Historical Traditions, Memory Politics, and New Public Agency” in Nilufer Gule (ed.), New Public Democracy: Performative, Visual and Normative Dimensions of Politics in a Global Age, 93-108. (London: Routledge, 2022)

“Pokolenie ’89 w Polsce: Bunt studentów i zmierzch komunizmu” [Poland’s ‘generation of 89’: Student rebellion and the demise of communism] in Kamil Dworaczek and Krzysztof Łagojda (eds.), Środowisko studenckie w krajach bloku sowieckiego 1945-1990 [The student milieu in the countries of the Soviet bloc 1945-1990], 189-206. Wrocław: IPN, 2020

(with Adrian Guelke) “1989 Compared and Connected: The Demise of Communism in Poland and Apartheid in South Africa” in Kyrill Kunakhovych and Piotr Kosicki (eds.), The Long 1989: Decades of Global Revolution, 13-38. Budapest: CEU Press, 2019

(with Elitza Stanoeva) “Todor Schiwkow: Der Kommunismus zwischen nationaler Unabhängigkeit und Loyalität zur Sowjetunion” [Todor Zhivkov: Communism between National Independence and Loyalty to the Soviet Union]” in Martin Sabrow and Susanne Schattenberg (eds.), Die letzten Generalsekretäre [The last general secretaries], , 37-64. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag, 2018

“‘My kontra oni’: Zmiana pokoleniowa i bunt młodzieży jako pierwowzór i tło dla ‘Solidarności’ [ ‘Us against them’: Generational change and youth rebellion as a precursor and setting for solidarity]” in Jan Olaszek, Antoni Dudek, Łukasz Kamiński, Krzysztof Kosiński, Michał Przeperski, Konrad Rokicki, Paweł Sasanka, Robert Spałek, and Sławomir Stępień (eds.), Yesterday. Studia z historii najnowszej: Księga dedykowana prof. Jerzemu Eislerowi w 65. rocznicę urodzin [‘Yesterday.’ Studies in contemporary history: A collection in honour of Prof. Jerzy Eisler] , 483-99. Warsaw: Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk/Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, 2017

“Facing the Music: How the Foundations of Socialism Were Rocked in Communist Poland” in William Jay Risch (ed.), Youth and Rock in the Soviet Bloc: Youth Cultures, Music and the State in Russia and Eastern Europe, 357-401. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2014

“Студентите извеждат протестите в България на следващото ниво: как възникващото студентско протестно движение може да разбие патовата ситуация в политиката [Students take Bulgaria’s protests to the next level: how the emerging student protest movement can break the political stalemate]” in Milena Iakimova, Petya Kabakchieva, Marina Liakova, and Veronica Dimitrova (eds.), По стъпките на Другия: сборник в чест на Майя Грекова [Following the Steps of the Other: A Collection in Honor of Maya Grekova], 299-310. Sofia: Prosveta, 2014

“The Demise of Communism in Poland: A Staged Evolution or Failed Revolution?” in Kevin McDermott and Matthew Stibbe (eds.), The 1989 Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe: From Communism to Post-Communism, 95-112. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013

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