Professor Ireneusz Sadowski

Department of Research on Social and Institutional Transformations

Ireneusz Sadowski is a sociologist, professor at Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He specializes in research on social structure, public institutions, and – in particular – mutual relations between those two spheres. Lately he has undertaken research projects on determinants of institutionalized choice (both career choices and political choices) involving social networks and supply-demand approach in electoral analysis.

Research interests

  • Social structure, social networks
  • Institutional change, reforms of the state
  • Socio-political cleavages, electoral studies
  • Systemic transition and civil society

Selected publications

I. Sadowski, M. Kołczyńska, N. Teslyk (2024) Generational Changes in Attitudes toward the European Union in Poland and Ukraine. East European Politics and Societies (OnlineFirst:

I. Sadowski (2023) A post-individualistic turn? Intergenerational change in self-orientation in Poland and Germany. International Journal of Comparative Sociology (OnlineFirst:

M. Kołczyńska, I. Sadowski (2022) Seeing the world through party-tinted glasses: performance evaluations and winner status in shaping political trust under high polarization, Acta Politica 58: 380-400 (DOI: 10.1057/s41269-022-00249-4).

J.E. Jackson, B.W. Mach, I. Sadowski (2022) Estimating peer political influence with large N observational data on ego-centered social networks, SOCIAL NETWORKS 70: 198-207 (DOI: 10.1016/j.socnet.2022.01.002).

I. Sadowski, A. Zawistowska (2020) The net effect of ability tilt in gendered STEM-related choices, Intelligence, Vol. 80 (DOI: 10.1016/j.intell.2020.101439).

I. Sadowski, N. Pohorila (2018) Game of Seats: Electoral Rules, Revolutions, and Affiliation Switching in Ukraine, 1990–2014, East European Politics and Societies, Vol. 32(1): 142-167  (DOI: 10.1177/0888325417728771).

B.W. Mach, A. Manterys, I. Sadowski (2018) Individuals and Their Social Contexts, Warsaw: IPS PAS.

I. Sadowski (2018) The Constant Electoral Flux? Party System and the Circulation of Candidates and Parliamentarians in Poland, 1989–2011, International Journal of Sociology, Vol. 41(1): 34-59  (DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2018.1414502).

Selected projects

The third generation of Polish transformation (#3GEN):

New institutionalism – theory and research:

External links

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