Department of European Studies

I. General description of conducted and planned research by the Department of European Studies IPS, PAS for 2021-2030:

  • 1. European Union as a geopolitical and geoeconomic subject in a (post)pandemic world.
  • 2. European Union in the budgetary perspective for years 2021-2027 – chances and threats, especially related to Polish raison d’etat.
  • 3. Cooperation of Poland, Germany and France within the framework of a Weimar Triangle.
  • 4. International policy of Turkey especially in the context of Russo-Ukrainian war.
  • 5. Positive and negative factors of Ukrainian membership in the EU.
  • 6. Contemporary diplomacy.
  • 7. Selected Balkan states and their health policies.

II. Detailed list of Department’s members tasks – according to their Individual Research Plans:

  • 1. Professor J. M. Fiszer:
    Poland in the budgetary perspective for years 2021-2027 – reports, research results and an article.
    Masstricht Treaty origins and its influence on European integration and security – article to be published by the journal “Politeja”.
    – Poland’s position on Russian aggression on Ukraine and possibility of Ukrainian accession to the EU and NATO – chapter in a joint publication edited by J. M. Fiszer titled The Russo-Ukrainian war – conditions and implications for security and integration of East-Central European States.
  • Professor Ryszard Żelichowski:
    Evacuation of th diplomatic corps from Warsaw in September 1939 – monograph.
    “White Man’s Burden” – consequences of European states’ collonial policies in the context of the 160. anniversary of salvery abolishment in the Nederlands – comparative study – article.
  • 3. Professor Paweł Olszewski:
    Health policies in the Balkan region – an introduction – article.
    Changes in the Macedonian health policy – article.
    Impact of parliamentary eletions on the process of shaping health policies in selected Balkan countries – National Science Centre’s grant.
  • 4. Professor Jakub Wódka:
    Contemporary diplomacy. Academic handbook.
    Influence of technological advancements on contemporary diplomacy – article.
    Turkey as a mediator. Russo-Ukrainian war as a case study – article.
  • 5. Oleksii Polegkyi, Ph.D.:
    Propaganda war: mapping the Russian desinformation and propaganda in Ukraine during the invasion of 2022 – National Science Centre’s grant and an article published in the “Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe”.
    Shaping of the of the national identity in the conditions of an existential threat: cases of Ukraine and Taiwan – paper at the international conference and an article published in “The Polish Political Science Yearbook”.
  • 6. Mateusz Czasak, MA
    Franco-German relations 30 years since the Maastricht treaty – current state and perspectives – article to be published in “Studia Polityczne”.
    Changes in Germany’s foreign policy regarding to the war in Ukraine – chapter in a joint publication edited by Adrian Chojan, titled “Europe during the war in Ukraine”.
    Franco-German military and armaments cooperation. Current state and perspectives – article to be published in “Economic and Political Thought”.

The results of conducted research, both theoretically and practically, will take form of books, articles, studies, research reports and expertises, which in total will have a big impact on the development of the discipline of Political Science and Public Administration in Poland and for Polish foreign policy.

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Our Faculty

Professor Józef M. Fiszer
Department of European Studies

Professor Józef M. Fiszer

Research interests Contemporary international relations European integration European...
Adrian Chojan, Ph.D.
Department of European Studies

Adrian Chojan, Ph.D.

Research interests Polish foreign policy Common Foreign and Security Policy of the...
Professor Paweł Olszewski
Department of European Studies

Professor Paweł Olszewski

Research interests European integration Common Foreign and Security Policy of the...
Department of European Studies

Professor Jakub Wódka

Research interests Turkey: foreign policy and internal politics Emerging powers in...
Mateusz Czasak, M.A.
Department of European Studies

Mateusz Czasak, M.A.

Research interests Germany and France in the European Union Weimar Triangle Polish-German...